One of Europe’s most renowned radar institutes Fraunhofer FHR cordially invites you to join us for our 5th International Summer
School on Radar / SAR.
It is a unique opportunity to gain indepth education on radar and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques by distinguished international lecturers.
Our programme covers a wide range from radar fundamentals over state-of-the-art Radar/SAR systems to sophisticated signal processing techniques and their applications in remote sensing.
The Int. Summer School on Radar/SAR welcomes you as a student
(with approx. 40 other participants) to a stimulating academic environment in a vibrant atmosphere among international radar specialists and experts.
Our intellectually rewarding courses and workshops, which solidify
the theory of the lectures, will accompanied by excursions as well as cultural and social events, introducing you to UNESCO’s World Heritage, the Upper Middle Rhine Valley via a bicycle tour and to the vibrant city of Cologne.
More information on
Dr. Matthias Weiß
Fraunhofer FHR-PSK
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9435-267
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 9435-633