Transverse Oscillation Ultrasound

Velocity measurements are rarely used in diagnostics of venous disease because the measurements are not very precise.

Transverse Oscillation (TO) ultrasound (US) is in contrast to spectral Doppler (SD) ultrasound (US) an angle independent technique, that is able to visualize complex flow patterns as well as measure precise velocity measurements, which may be a promising new technique for evaluating venous disease.

Venous disease affects a quarter of the population is caused by venous outflow obstruction or insufficient venous valves causing venous hypertension. The symptoms of varicose veins are tiredness, cramps, pain, heaviness, itching and swelling.

Thor BechsgaardAbout Thor
Thor holds a master in medicine from the University of Copenhagen and is a certified medical doctor. He finished his PhD in 2018 and plans to continue working in radiology and with clinical research.

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